Monday, September 29, 2014

What's your thesis about?!

So if you've been reading my blog, you'd notice me mention more than a handful of times about this thesis I'm working on. Everytime someone asks me what I've been up to, my standard response has become "working on my thesis". And well, you're also probably wondering what this thesis is all about and what I'm spending all my time on. In a nutshell, here goes:

My thesis attempts to understand the way individual identities relate to commercial identities on Facebook. This was explored through a series of qualitative interviews, examining the way these individuals utilise their accounts, as well as their attitude towards commercial uses of Facebook. In the process, I adopt a sociological perspective through understanding the way these online identities are being constructed and perceived. I argue that these identities are shaped by the way we view our selves and other entities on the platform, as well as the way we interact with each other and shape the behavioural cues on the platform. This is enhanced by the divide between public and private, as commercial companies are largely considered public entities. Therefore, this merge between individual and commercial identity is problematic to the binary of public and private. 
The aim of my thesis is therefore to explore the way technology mediates the relationship between individual and commercial identities, as well as the way conventional conceptions of the public and private divide are being challenged. 

Hopefully that nicely sums up what my project is about ;-) 
Questions, comments, sound off below! 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Bryan's 21st

So Bryan's long-awaited much-planned Shanghai 1920's Jazz-themed party happened last night… And what a night it was! Arrived early to help him set up the decor for the place; I have to say those hanging red lanterns and oriental jazz music really helped set the mood for the party. 
Around 7pm, guests started sauntering into the event space with their glitzy old Shanghai-inspired attire. I have to say the best outfits were those who went all out in cheongsams (for the ladies) and suspenders (for the guys), which made for an even classier atmosphere. 
It was definitely one of the best parties I've been to and I'm glad to see that the birthday boy thoroughly enjoyed himself and everyone else had fun as we partied late into the night. 
By midnight, only a handful of us city peeps were left and we helped to pack up and bring the cake and material home.

//will update further when I get ahold of some photos :)

For now, back to the thesis! 

#14daysleft #nowornever

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

happy days :)

It's Bryan's birthday today! Happy birthday bro <3 crazy thunder and downpour this morning on the way to uni but the skies have visibly brightened up now and the sun is coming out again :) managed to find a nice spot by the window to work on my thesis. Don't you just love tables like that with natural light streaming in? Definitely want something like this in my future home. 

Have a good day, everyone! 


Friday, September 19, 2014

The project

Writing a thesis takes a whole lot of energy and time. To others, what may seem like just one project seems a doable task. But you know it takes a lot more thought and effort than what it appears to be, in order to produce something substantial. They say it’s a paper you write over the course of a few months, but the truth is, the preparation starts from more than a year ago. From the build up of the research proposal, to finding your supervisor, to reading up different articles in your studied area, and finally to the rigorous process of penning it down. I’m fast nearing the end of this process and all it takes is just a little more steam. I might blog more about the details of my project in another post. But let’s see once I’ve passed the finish line, yeah?


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Weekend in town

I have to admit the city's one of my favourite places to be, just because of the hustle and bustle and the fact that there's things happening around every corner. That's not to say I don't appreciate the quieter areas - I'm a huge fan of vast fields and isolated beaches, but I'm very much a city girl at heart.
After spending so many days in the library, a night in town made me feel that there's really so many interesting people to meet out there. Having put all my focus onto my work recently, I think this is something I've neglected. Being amongst the crowds again really drove that message home.
I love going out. Going to new places, finding new things to do, meeting new faces. Some say it's not really a hobby, but there's not much else I'd enjoy more than the feeling of seeing new happenings and listening to fresh perspectives. 
Come to think of it, it's funny that I'm studying social interactions, when I've barely been engaging in many of late.
Although slightly daunting, I'm looking forward to the freedom of doing whatever I want again after finishing this project :) hopefully, I'll get to meet many new faces before the year ends.

After all, if you say an extra hello, it doesn't hurt. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014


I think there all comes a time when we go back to old collections of photos and think back to the times when you experienced certain events or things, and this is just one of those days. Been reading a couple of other blogs and been inspired to take my camera out again… Hopefully that streak lasts! But yes, pleased to say that I've completed an overall draft for my thesis - one month to go to the deadline! Taking an hour off just to scroll through blogs or old photos for inspiration to get out exploring again :) this is just a #throwbacktoSpain last year. I love how there's just a random Spongebob and Patrick in the middle of the square. If only everyday were this dreamy. I know there's a thousand other obligations to tend to in the meantime. But hey, a girl can dream.