Tuesday, May 19, 2015

living life on the edge

Recently had one of the most amazing trips back to Sydney (#myhappyplace) for my graduation! Still missing every bit of it. Being back there was one of the most refreshing feelings ever, swamped with an overwhelming sense of familiarity and comfort of being back at a place I've grown to know so well and now call my second home. 
I'll be putting together a video very soon, but in the meantime, here's what I got up to while in Sydney ;)

I've certainly had a lot on my mind these past few days. Been willing myself to make a concrete decision on what I'm gonna do next. Sometimes I just wish I had all the answers. But you know, that doesn't happen and things don't just get handed to you on a silver platter. That's what makes successes all the sweeter, right? I know I'm someone who's very driven by the things that make me happy, but everything's got to have a purpose somehow. Once I find that, I'm pretty much set.

I've been told that we all have to start somewhere. We don't just expect to get gifted things, as though they were meant to be ours. Nothing is ever for certain, and what's yours can easily slip away. I think why people so often fear making the wrong decisions is because they know they've a long way ahead of them and a long path to carve out. Once the fork turns the wrong way, it's hard to rewind and go back. But precisely because we have a long way ahead of us, we shouldn't lose sight of who we are. And precisely because we have a long way ahead of us, we shouldn't be afraid to venture into new things. And remember, your life is what you make of it. Isn't it? After all, we still have a lot to learn.

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