Friday, October 31, 2014

Red roses

Yesterday was Angie's graduation! Happy graduation babe :) after lunch with macey, angie and nat we decided to head outside for a shoot. Nat ( recently dyed her hair - again!! - so now it's a gorgeous shade of reddish pink :') hit her up for tips on hair dyes and beauty tutorials - she's most likely tried it or heard all about it. Here are some of the photos that came out from this shoot! 


this gorgeous redhead <3

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

time stand still

Way too many things on my mind. Just over a month left in Sydney! Too many things I want to do. Little things. Haha time please come to a standstill! Should probably aim to finish as many job applications as I can over the next few weeks :) and then time to plan all the nitty gritty other things. Well, there's 24 hours in a day. That's bound to be more than enough time. Right? Right? 

One thing at a time. Let's go!

Got wedding dress on repeat. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

life and its answers

Taken in Hong Kong

They say that the world is your oyster and that everything's just a matter of perspective. But how do you know what you really want to do until you've tried everything once? 

#midlifecrisis #jobs #life #givemeanswers

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

life after Honours

Well, I guess I can pretty much say that I've graduated. wow, just saying that made me do a double-take in my head haha. Is this real? It's been about 72 hours since I submitted my thesis. I guess I can finally say that it's all over :')
Am eternally grateful to those who took time out to participate in my project and gave me advice along the way, been there and supported me in one way or another. However this turns out (as I've told my friends repeatedly that I'm scared out of my wits), just know that I appreciate it. 
So, where do we go from here? People have been asking me what my plans are from now and what I've been doing these past few days. Honestly, after having been through the most challenging year of my academic life, freedom has never tasted sweeter. Finally having the time to think about whatever I want, read articles that aren't for academic purposes, start a bucket list… But this freedom is also very much short-lived. Been bombarded by questions of what I'm going to do next year (sigh, life). 
Me in the first few hours after submitting my thesis: excited. Jumping around deliriously. Smiling at everything in the world. Laughing at jokes that aren't even funny. It's truly an amazing feeling. 
Me in the first day after submitting my thesis: Dead tired, worn-out. Part of me just wanting to stay home and catch up on sleep, another part of me wanting to run out and catch up with friends. I went to see my supervisor yesterday to return him some books and give him a copy of my thesis and the first thing he said to me was "Jeez, you look tired". Yep, definitely have to catch up on sleep. 
Looking further into the future, I have a number of options to toss up. Guess I'll find out what's best to do after I do a little more research ;)

Saturday, October 11, 2014


me looking at a sun dial and trying to figure out how to read it

Well, two days left. Two days until it's all done and dusted. The feeling's kind of started to sink it, because I've begun wrapping up the loose ends and before I know it, it'll be completed - for real. Thinking about all the things I want to do after this project is really rather frightening. Will I be able to finish what I've started? Only one way to find out. 

Definitely looking up, looking forward. :)

Thursday, October 9, 2014

nobody said it was easy

When it comes to a point where you're about to pass out, I think that's when you know you've really done it all. Looking forward to chasing sunset, long nights, and many more adventures again.

3 days left. I can't wait. :)

Monday, October 6, 2014

long nights

it's a damn cold night
trying to figure out this life
won't you take me by the hand, take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are but I, 
I'm with you

Photo credit: Bryan

inner strength

the road's not long
stay strong, honey, stay strong

Never be afraid of falling down, just remember to stand up again every single time.

#findingstrength #7daysleft